Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Inspiring line from someone that made me all the more eager to finish my artwork:

"I've always looked for the perfect life to step into. I've taken all the paths to get where I wanted.But no matter where I go, I still come home me."

~ Layne Stayle

I have this 'fondness' in making artworks of girls with top hats (: - maybe Slash had made a HUMONGOUS impact on this. I admire the Victorian art... the Baroque art, Gothic art and the liquor called Jack Daniels *blushed*. I have always been a 'hard' drinker and no other liquor could measure up with my love for Jack. I know little of bad-drums-playing, but never really did played it in front of a crowd for I'm not prepared to get mobbed and be beaten up to death for the noise they'd be hearing to their already damaged filthy ears.

I wish to have an art exhibit of my own one day, where I could showcase my artworks... but maybe in the FAR future. Hope this'll happen. I do pray it would.. someday.


  1. You will Jam and I hope you do. Love your artwork. One day (someday) I will go to your gallery :)

  2. aww thanks Honeywell!!! ;) that was a spirit-booster to my already weakening self haha.
